Fan Connection Platform

An interaction platform which connects fans, sport organizations and sponsors while increasing fan loyalty, sponsor exposure and commercial revenues simultaneously. FANNECTOR enables a systematic approach to planning, executing, measuring and optimizing highly relevant digital marketing campaigns for sport clubs and their sponsors.



Gaining a deeper understanding of your fans, including a full 360° fan view, is at the heart of effective sports marketing. Knowing how to deliver the right message at the right time through the right channel is the key to success.  Catering to each fans’ unique affinities will increase fan loyalty, revenues and result in a long-lasting and meaningful relationship between sport clubs and their fans.

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Knowing your fans’ needs and interests and being able to connect products and services of your sponsors to their needs is adding tremendous value to your sponsors. FANNECTOR enables sport clubs to use different digital marketing activities and connect sponsors with their global fan base. Assisting to sponsors’ marketing goals increases sponsorship value and results in long-lasting relationships between sport clubs and sponsors.

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Revenue Optimization

Revenue Optimization

FANNECTOR enables sport organizations to develop super effective, multi-channel fan communications, at scale. By collecting fan data and focus on each individual fans’ activity, behavior and interests, sport clubs will avoid the high cost of generalized and spam marketing campaigns. Our Fan Connection Platform enables leveraging data for ongoing digital marketing performance improvement and supports sport organizations to significantly impact their revenues.


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